Registering for a Wholesale account is very simple.
Follow the steps below:
- Click the Application link on any of the wholesale program pages or click this link (Wholesale Registration Application)
- Completed the form
- Upload Required documents
- Submit the Application.
Once you have submitted the application, you will receive notification if your application has been approved.
Once you application has been approved:
- You will be able to login into the Customer Hub via the "login" in the top right corner of the home page, using you email address and password.
- You will be able to see the Foundation Program discount pricing through the site.
- Connect your Company Portal ( Click Here to connect company portal )
- Login using the same email and password.
- Your all set up to go.
How to Access Customer Hub and Company Portal
- To access the Customer Hub, login via the icon
in the top right hand corner of the home page.
- To access the Company Portal, once in the Customer Hub go to the menu on the left hand side and click on the icon
For more information regarding the features of the Customer Hub and Company Portal and how to use it, please refer to the "Wholesale" tab from the main menu on the home page.