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Distributor For Australia
Which Hand Wraps Should I Train With?
What are hand wraps?
If you’ve ever seen a boxer or MMA fighter preparing for a fight, you’ve seen their coach or trainer take long, slender pieces of cloth and wind them tightly over the fighter’s hands. These cloth pieces are hand wraps.
Hand wraps’ use in boxing actually dates back before gloves. The first wraps were made out of strips of treated animal hide. Although they served their purpose, they weren’t as comfortable or as effective at their job as many wraps available on the market today.
Do I need hand wraps for my training?
Wearing hand wraps is a matter of preference – however, we (and most coaches out there) highly recommend them for both beginners and expert strikers.
What is the purpose of hand wraps?
A good pair of hand wraps will serve three primary purposes when worn for punching bag training:
A beginner is likely to have mistakes in his or her form which can cause strain and damage to the hands and wrists. And although an expert may have perfect form, they also have the expertise to throw much harder punches. Too much power with too little padding can also lead to injury. Wraps will help prevent injury for both strikers.
What makes a “good pair of hand wraps?”
The best pair of hand wraps is the one you like enough to wear consistently and benefit from. These days you’re not limited to leather, or even cloth. Quick Wraps are another option to explore!
What are Quick Wraps?
Quick Wraps resemble fingerless gloves. Like gloves, they can be slipped on and tightened with a wrist strap; however, Quick Wraps are much lighter, thinner, and more flexible than any glove. They don’t have the stiff, dense padding that you’ll find in a glove, either.
Should I get Quick Wraps or traditional hand wraps?
Both Quick Wraps and traditional hand wraps offer the same benefits. Which one is better for you depends on your tastes and training stye, but here are some factors to consider:
Quick Wrap Pros
✔️ Perfect if…
You’re in a hurry to get to kickboxing!
Quick Wrap Cons
You know you prefer heavy padding on your knuckles, but need less wrist support (or vise-versa).
Traditional Hand Wrap Pros
✔️ Perfect if…
You know how to wrap and what you like in a wrap!
Traditional Hand Wrap Cons
You aren’t willing to sit down and invest a few hours learning how to put them on.
Whether you choose Quick Wraps or go the traditional route, there is no wrong answer to the hand wrap question. And because both styles are inexpensive, it may even be practical for you to invest in one pair of each, figure out your daily preference, and set the other pair aside as backup. Just remember to use them, train safe, and have fun!
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